Deluxe Automotive Multimeter
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- 0.1% DC accuracy
- Current measurements up to 10 A, 20 A for up to 30 seconds
- Millisecond pulse width measurements for fuel injectors
- Optional magnetic hanger allows meter to attach to the vehicle and free your hands for other tasks
- Min/Max/Average recording with Min/Max Alert to capture variations automatically
- Peak Min/Max to record transients as fast as 250 μs
- Relative mode to remove test lead resistance from low ohms measurements
- Auto and manual ranging for maximum flexibility
- Autohold™ to capture stable readings with only one touch of the leads
- Large display digits and two-level bright white backlight for increased visibility
- Analog bargraph to track changing or unstable signals
- Input Alert provides audible warning against wrong use of input jacks
- Access door for fast battery changes without opening up the case
- "Classic" design that fits your hand with new removable holster, built-in test lead and probe storage
- 10 meg ohm input impedance won’t damage computer circuits
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